Psiholog Angela Groza

Communication skills development for teachers

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GROZA Angela
Doctor în psihologie, conferențiar universitar Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă” Chișinău
Human 6
Doctorandă, Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă” Chișinău


Communication skills development

This research study was designed to create a psychological intervention program with a formative character aimed at stimulating and developing the communication skills necessary for the teaching profession. Following the implementation of the psychological intervention program, we organized the control experiment in order to evaluate the efficiency of the training program. The communication style refers to the set of manifestations characteristic of a person in the act of communication, being an indicator of the way a person structures his or her world of social relations, as well as an indicator of how information processing and transformation of this information into behavioral facts in social, evaluative, and practical judgments. In our research we relied on the classification of communication styles according to St. Marcus. There are four styles of communication that we investigated in teachers: assertive, non-assertive, aggressive, and manipulative. The research results showed that the communication techniques and assertiveness training included in the intervention program stimulated the practice of an assertive communication style, as well as a decrease in the non-assertive communication style.


The assertiveness of the human personality, in any associative context, is explicitly based on the development of symbolic interferences integrated in communication processes. Beyond the postulate of the communicative character exclusively to human interactions, the circulation of messages in any way is a defining note of contemporary society.
The term communication comes from the Latin comunis / communicatio which means “to share”, “to be in a relationship” or “to establish a community with someone”. Iacob (2004) defines human communication as a relationship based on sharing a meaning. An extensive definition of communication belongs to the sociologist Mircea Agabrian (2008), who considers communication: “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, and behaviors.” Extensive and effective communication requires basic skills in sending the message, listening, asking questions, and giving feedback. Communication skills are important for a teacher who provides education to students (McCarthy and Carter, 2001 apud Khan, Khan, Syed Zia-Ul-Islam, Khan, 2017). In the literature there are various studies that study the communication of teachers, the ability to convey clear messages, to listen, and to provide feedback (Shaunessy, 2009; Cooper, 1979; Bruschke, 1991). Didactic communication, carried out in an educational context, is defined in the general sense as a form of instrumental communication, directly involved in supporting a systematic learning process (Ciobanu, 2007 apud Goia 2011). Didactic communication is the one that mediates the realization of the educational phenomenon as a whole, this taking place only as a special form necessary in the transmission of specific learning content. Given that one of the basic objectives of the education system is to prepare the child for real life, communication at the didactic level should be conceived as a permanent interaction between teacher and student (Bloju, Stan, 2013). 

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